July 3, 2009

Continue your direct tv service anywhere

After 8 years I’ve just got news about my old friend, she’s also my office mate before. Yesterday I found her name online in some directories, I was amazed because I did not intend to find her name but when checking and surfing online I met her and she also put her photo. So it’s really confirmed that she’s my long lost friend. Then I suddenly tried to send her message saying just hi, if she can still remember me.

What a small world, she replied and confirmed that she’s now in New York. And she just married two years ago for a foreigner, well then same as me I just married last April. She got my YM and chatted. Then she shares all what happen to her life for the past years before she migrate abroad and one thing she just suddenly pop-up with some television shows that she’s into everyday. She’s not working, a housewife then she told me that she gets updated to local and foreign shows through Directv we’re talking of some local shows that she’s been watching before but until now she’s still watching there. Funny!

But then now the couple are planning to transfer to Florida because her husband will be moved there, her husband works as a navy so she wanted to be with her husband no matter where it is. Then she’s still wanting to continue directtv services, satisfaction for complete services from direct tv is really enough for her. The good thing is Direct TV in Florida is available. No hassle in moving anywhere just check your state and you will freely continue the directv services. You can call and access their lines quickly as you wanted.

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